改过自新,让我想想看,我不懂什么意思.它只是个虚词儿,政客发明的词儿,使你们穿西装打领带的,有活干,我后悔犯错吗?我没有一天不后悔,但并非受惩罚才后悔.我回首前尘往事,那个,犯下重罪的小笨蛋,我想跟他沟通,我试图讲道理,让他明了,但我办不到,那少年早就不见,只剩下我垂老之躯,我得接受事实......改过自新,告诉你一个事实,I don't care.I miss the bus, miss the blue sky, miss the chance, miss the feel, miss the air, miss the laugh, miss the time, miss .the food, miss the drink, miss the hair, miss the road, miss the feet, miss the voice, and miss the guide, who carry me from ups and downs.Here miss doesn't mean think of !